Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Winter is coming ...

My next project, and now we are on the beginning of this week, was Daenerys Targaryen the Mother of Dragons from Nuts Planet. It was hard to decide which miniature I wanted to paint. The range of this brand is so fantastic that I see there a lot of my future projects :) One other miniature of this brand is already waiting in my box: The Aquila. But before that I will do some smaller miniatures in a bigger diorama ... can´t wait till they arrive.

The Mother of Dragons is a miniature my wife chose. But I like it a lot too! Before I started, the most feared opponent was her skin. All skins I´ve done so far have been males or relatively dark. This one had to be pale and also alive. Of course I used the three color zone technique but in this case I had to be very careful. And so it came that I painted the longest time of this miniature on the skin. Sometimes shadows got to harsh or the tones of the face and the cleavage didn´t match. The highlights had to be set very smooth and so on... The hairs are much more white in my case than on the Nuts Planet cover. I think a blonde white matches more with the figure in GOT.
 The dragon on her shoulder was a lot of fun and back to the dark colors it was easier to highlight for me.
 In this special case I´m very proud of the eyes I painted. It gets better and better, I think.

Hope you enjoy!


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