Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2015

The first diorama  -  or "There and back again ..."

After watching the Basing Alchemy DVD from Painting Buddah I decided to build my first diorama. Because every try can fail I bought a relatively cost-efficient miniature: "Spirit of Adventure" from FER Miniatures. It´s a little man with a Hobbit look-alike, especially like Bilbo Baggins.
So I planned to creat a scene in that Bilbo leaves his Hobbit house.

As base I took a precasted base of wood, build a frame of plastic sheed around and filled it with a mixture of dry earth and superglue. The start of the garden was done. Then I filled the house part with styro-foam and on the top also with the dry earth - superglue mixture. Over this mixture on the roof of the building and the garden I strewed grass and leaf flocks. The chimney was build with Milliput and the smoke is cotton batting. The house wall is a mixture of sand, color and wood glue and the stones on the wall and in the garden are of Milliput. The tree in the background and the plants in the buckets are of sepiolite. I left them unpainted because I loved the original colors they had.

That´s it. Hope you enjoy!


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